July 2022 Update: As of July 4, 2022, the length of stay for Super Visa holders in Canada will be expanded to five years per entrance. Learn more here.
In the spring of 2012, the Canadian Government put the family sponsorship of parents and grandparents on pause, but at the same time introduced the Super Visa – a 10 year, multiple entry visa that parents and grandparents could use to come to Canada for two years at a time. However, multiple media outlets are reporting that many of these Super Visa applications are being rejected.
Super Visa Applications Rejected
Many people in Canada had been waiting for years to sponsor their parents or grandparents to come to Canada, but a huge backlog meant it felt like nothing would ever get approved. Many were relieved to hear about the Super Visa.
Applicants must meet certain requirements as well as pay for their own health care to apply for a Super Visa.
Concerning Super Visa Factors
Once concerning factor is that there are reports of visa officers limiting people’s visits to six or nine months – despite the fact that Citizenship and Immigration Canada had said the visas are good for two years at a time. About 23 per cent of the Super Visa applications are being refused, compared to about 20 per cent of temporary resident permits.
The Toronto Star reported that one person was told their insufficient ties to their home country and the length of their visit to Canada were the reasons they were denied.
Do You Want to Apply for a Super Visa for Your Parents or Grandparents?
You will have to meet strict requirements to avoid being denied. Contact us to speak to one of our immigration lawyers for help! We can assist you with your application and give you the best chance for success.