When you get the opportunity to go to the US for work from abroad, then I would say VisaPlace would be your best option to get all your documents in place. My 5 star feedback is based on the help I received from Danielle Grbic as she was really professional, I would straight away ask for Danielle to be in charge of your process. From the time that Danielle took over my case I felt confident that it will go well and at the end it went smoother than expected. On my own I would never have been able to get this internal work transfer done as a L1 visa and was best for the professionals to take charge. After arriving in the US, Danielle was still happy to assist with documents and advise. A huge thanks to Danielle and VisaPlace

Changes to Canadian Citizenship Benefits Same-Sex Couples and Couples with Fertility Issues
On July 9, 2020, the Canadian government ruled a change in the definition of “parent” under the Citizenship Act. This is especially good news for couples who have had fertility issues or couples of the same sex. Before this ruling, the Citizenship Act only allowed for foreign-born children to be automatically recognized as citizens if […]

Definition of a Dependent Child in January 2020, according to Canadian Immigration Laws and Regulations
Written by: Sanaa Mahmood When you submit an application to immigrate to Canada either permanently or temporarily, you may choose to include your child as a dependent in that application, provided the child meets the current definition of a dependent child, as per Canadian Immigration Laws and Regulations. The current definition of a dependent child, […]

What to Know About “Birth Tourism” in 2022
Over the past year, 379 foreign nationals were born at Richmond Hospital in Canada to non-Canadian citizens or permanent residents. This is part of an industry known as “birth tourism”, in which a pregnant woman enters Canada to give birth to a child who will then automatically be given citizenship. They typically travel to Canada […]
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Super Visa Application Case – Study
Type of Case: Super Visa Application for A Parent Details of the Super Visa Case: The applicant is a citizen of Pakistan who has a son who is a permanent resident in Canada. The applicant’s son recently had a new born child and as he and his wife both work very demanding and time consuming […]
Toronto School Board allegedly rejecting children of non immigration-status parents
Only 14 per cent of schools accept children of non immigration-status parents Social Planning Toronto, an organization dedicated to improving quality of life through social planning in the city, recently went undercover to see if Toronto-area Catholic schools will accept children of non-status immigrant parents. Researchers pretended to be family members of non-status children living in […]